I am a PhD student in Computer Science at UC San Diego's Computer Science and Engineering Department. Prior to joining the CSE PhD program, I completed my B.S. in Computer Engineering and M.S. in Intelligent Systems, Robotics, and Control at UCSD. During this time, I contributed to a number of research topics involving sensor development, hardware accelerators, high-performance computing, and self-driving cars.
At the moment, I am working at the Contextual Robotics Institute under the supervision of Dr. Henrik I. Christensen. My current area of resarch involves road user trajectory prediction, intent recognition, and dynamic scene understanding to addresss the scalability constraints from current state of the art architectures. During my time at the Autonomous Vehicle Lab @ UCSD, I have worked on the mapping, localization, planning and control strategies for UCSD's self-driving mail delivery cars and had the opportunity to collaborate closely with members of the AVL to characterize overall AV performance and develop robust perception and simulation strategies.